Script FlashCode TCL

Un article de UrdleWiki.

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$wcl = New-Object Net.Webclient
#$wcl.Credentials = new-object Net.NetworkCredential("user", "pwd", "COMMUN")
#$wcl.Proxy.Credentials = new-object Net.NetworkCredential("user", "pwd", "COMMUN");
Function ParseFlashCode($code)
$uri = new-object System.Uri "$code"
$result = $wcl.DownloadString($uri)
#$reqstream = $response.GetResponseStream()
#$sr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $reqstream
#$result = $sr.ReadToEnd()
#write-host $result
filter Get-Matches($Pattern) {
$_ | Select-String -AllMatches $pattern |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value
#write-host 'full page is in $result'
#write-host $result
$Stop=if (($result | Get-Matches 'Horaires - <span>[^<]+') -match '<span>(.*)') { $matches[1] }
#write-host "l'arrêt"'est $Stop'"= $Stop"
#$LinesDest = $result | Get-Matches '<img src=[^>]*toutes-les-lignes[^>]*/>' | foreach { if ($_ -match 'title="(.*)"') { $matches[1] } }
$LinesDest2 = $result | Select-String -AllMatches '(<img src=[^>]*toutes-les-lignes[^>]*/>)|(</html)' |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches |
foreach {
if ($_.Value -match 'title="(.*)"') {
$h1 = New-Object System.Object
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Pattern -value $_.Value
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Index -value $_.Index
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Line -value $matches[1]
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Stop -value $Stop
#$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Destination -value $matches[2]
} elseif ($_.Value -match '</html') {
$h1 = New-Object System.Object
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Pattern -value "END"
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Index -value $_.Index
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Line -value ""
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Stop -value $Stop
$h1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Destination ""
#write-host 'le detail des lignes trouvées est dans $LinesDest2'
#write-host $LinesDest2
if ($LinesDest2.Count -ge 2) {
$nextStarts = (0..($LinesDest2.Count-2)) | foreach {
$ns0=New-Object System.Object
$ns0 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Code -value ("{0:D5}" -f $Code)
$ns0 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Line -value $LinesDest2[$i].Line
$ns0 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Stop -value $LinesDest2[$i].Stop
if ($data -match 'Vers\s<strong>([^<]+)<') {
$ns0 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Destination -value $matches[1]
if (-not $data -match '(\<!-- )<span class="DEPART-imminent">') {
#depart imminent => 1 minutes
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name MinutesToDeparture -value ("{0:D2}" -f $delay)
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Departure -value (get-date $dd -format "HH:mm")
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name DepartureFull -value $dd
if ($data -match '<span class="HEURE-depart">\s*Proche') {
#1er prochain départ
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name MinutesToDeparture -value ("{0:D2}" -f $delay)
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Departure -value (get-date $dd -format "HH:mm")
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name DepartureFull -value $dd
if ($data -match '<span class="HEURE-depart">\s*([0-9]+) min') {
#1er prochain départ
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name MinutesToDeparture -value ("{0:D2}" -f $delay)
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Departure -value (get-date $dd -format "HH:mm")
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name DepartureFull -value $dd
if ($data -match '<span class="HEURE-arrivee">\s*([0-9]+) min') {
#2ème prochain depart
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name MinutesToDeparture -value ("{0:D2}" -f $delay)
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Departure -value (get-date $dd -format "HH:mm")
$ns1 | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name DepartureFull -value $dd
$nextStarts # | ft -AutoSize
#$(ParseFlashCode(1104); ParseFlashCode(1105)) | ft -AutoSize
$csvfile="C:\Documents and Settings\PMGY07781\Bureau\tcl-codes.csv"
$wikifile="C:\Documents and Settings\PMGY07781\Bureau\tcl-codes.txt"
if (test-path $csvfile) { $collectedData=Import-CSV -Path $csvfile }
$collectedCodes=$collectedData | group-object Code | foreach { $_.Group | select -first 1 } | foreach { [System.Convert]::ToInt32($_.Code) }
(1..5000) | foreach {
if ($newData.Count -le 1000) { #overload protection
if ($collectedCodes -notcontains $_) { $newData+=ParseFlashCode($_)  ; write-host $_ }
#else { write-host "skipping $_" }
} }
#$newData | ft -AutoSize
if ($newData.Count -gt 0) {
$collectedData+=$newData | select-object "Code","Line","Stop","Destination",@{Name="Link";Expression={""+$_.Code}}
$collectedData | Export-CSV -Path $csvfile -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
$horodate=get-date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
Write-Output "{| class=""wikitable alternance centre""","|+ Liens QRCode/FlashCode de toutes les lignes TCL, réalisé le $horodate via le [[Script FlashCode TCL|script]]",
"|-","! scope=""col"" | Ligne", "! scope=""col"" | Arrêt", "! scope=""col"" | Destination", "! scope=""col"" | Lien"
$collectedData | foreach { Write-Output "|-","| $($_.Line)","| $($_.Stop)","| $($_.Destination)","| $($_.Link)" }
Write-Output "|}"
$wiki | Out-File -FilePath $wikifile